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Structures and Processes

In an ever-changing world, organizations must constantly streamline, adjust, renew themselves, and often reinvent themselves.  Rapid technological changes are making old processes and structures irrelevant. New knowledge is quickly accessible to both the organization and to its competitors. Organizations perpetually change their boundaries through mergers and acquisitions, or by absorbing or removing stages in the supply chain.  Even so-called “less dynamic” markets often find themselves faced with competition from unexpected arenas.

We help organizations to evaluate work processes and to redesign them from a organization-wide perspective around the value they provide to the customer, while integrating new technologies and various measuring and control concepts. We design integrative service processes for the customer to ensure first call resolution or in a one-stop shop.  The processes are evaluated by a consultant team, and as far as possible, in cooperation with the customer’s professional team which brings the professional and organizational knowledge and experience to the process. We combine techniques from the lean production management concept, such as Kaizen events.  In organizational development processes, we assess and design organizational structures that support application of the work processes and the desired change.
