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Organizational Development

Organizational development processes include focused handling of a specific issue in an organization, or in a particular department, or comprehensive reorganization of the company.  They are designed to help an organization improve its ability to attain its organizational and business goals.

We advise the organization in a number of spheres tailored to the type of customer, the stage it has reached, and its specific needs. On the strategic level – reading the organizational map and the business environment, formulating a concept and an outline of appropriate action; on the process/operational level – formulating an appropriate organizational structure, model, work processes, and management routines; and on the behavioral level – instruction and consultation for improving the relevant soft skills.  These include leading and leadership skills, conflict management, interpersonal communications, and management according to targets, among other things.

We integrate the work of organizational consultants and industrial engineering in order to provide a comprehensive organizational solution that combines behavioral-cultural aspects with engineering-organization and methods aspects.
